Rebellious Mamas

Because the rebellious bride is now a rebellious mama.

Updated June 2013

Photography by Jamie Espadilla unless labeled otherwise

Meet Rebellious Mama Mabeth. At one glance, you'd probably think, what's so interesting about this Maternity shoot? You'll get it when you see Mabeth's bridal photo here:

Photography by Mark Cantalejo

What makes this maternity session and what makes Mabeth's baby preps so creative and rebellious are aplenty. First and foremost, Mabeth wanted her maternity & baby shower to be an extension or a continuation of her wedding's theme. So much so that she and hubby Karym wore their wedding outfits to the maternity shoot. Second of all, Mabeth, being a doctor, rebelliously chose to have a water birth--on the surface this is super consistent with the overall theme of their wedding, maternity, and baby shower. On a deeper level, it says a lot about Mabeth's courage as a mom to opt for this natural way of birthing---CONSIDERING she is a woman of medicine and Science. I love how the maternity shoot almost feels like a hippie love child kind of theme (even if it's technically not. haha!) Enjoy!

Mabeth & Karym had their prenup session in La Union and their wedding in Boracay
(Photographed by Mark Cantalejo)

Now here's their maternity shoot:
One of the benefits of having a non-floral bouquet---you get to keep and use it in special occasions like this! Bouquet by {ETC} Handmade Goodness by Vatel

Though Mabeth used some of her wedding paraphernalia, she updated the shoot with new design elements to welcome Baby Kalila

In the end, the maternity shoot wasn't just the typical maternity shoot that focuses on the pregnancy and the "belly". Mabeth & Karym's maternity concept became a celebration of love, their beliefs, and how they plan to continue on with their passions as they welcome Kalila into their lives. What an amazing concept indeed!

Updated Jan. 23, 2013

Photography by Quirky Creatives
Check out this Rebellious Family Portrait / Rebellious Baby Shoot concept from designer Christine Lam. I love the idea of not making the shoot so posey, posey. Especially for the kids. After all, that's not so fun for them. I also love the idea of such a colorful, fantastical shoot and incorporating it into family milestones that are not necessarily about parties and gifts!

Rebellious Mama Christine shares: We did not want a typical family portrait and already had a big party for our son's ( caleb) 1st birthday, we also did not want to spend for another birthday party that he will not remember being  just 2 ;) but at the same time we wanted to celebrate his 2nd birthday  . So we decided to do a stylised shoot instead . He can just look back on the photos and videos when he is a bit older and see how he was like when he was at that age. ;) 

CREDITS: Photographer : Noel Salazar  of Quirky creatives / Stylists: Rabbithole Creatives  / Location: Museo Pambata / Kids suits: Christine Lam / Cake: The royal Piccadilly 

Updated Jan. 11, 2013

"I am a career woman. Dahil kinakarir ko ang pagiging nanay. From the time she was still inside my womb, i took vitamins like Usanatal ( to make sure she's healthy. At 13 months now, she is still breastfed. She reached her milestones in time (even earlier). I still use cloth diapers exclusively. I don't believe in baby training but I don't practice permissive parenting as well. I will do my very best so that she grows up as a whole person. And I will enjoy every adventure with this little person who is growing up too fast. 

So as you can see, yes, I still have quite an exciting career. #mommymusings" -- Rebellious Mama Mica

Updated December 20, 2013

Made by Hoot Designs
We chose a theme that was very Mindi and was very us. She's a happy, smiley baby most of the time so we figured a carefree theme would fit her. Most of the elements in her party were very laid back as well. We didn't play the usual birthday music ( we chose the soundtrack from the Muppets instead) and didn't hire magicians or balloon artists. We just got a dance instructor for a groovy dance segment and a puppet show. We also had picnic areas, a play area made up of recycled cartons, a crib for the babies and an arts and craft area for the kids. Thankfully, Mindi had a great time. So much so that she forgot to remove her flower tiara considering she yanks off anything I put on her head.

Grabbed from Pika Villafuerte of Hoot Designs

Jamming with grandma :)

Hippie Family

Super sleepy hippie baby by the end of the party. Haha!


Photogrpahy by Lambert Pangilinan Photography+Video (See the whole set here:
DIY props by yours truly and my sister Althea Aswani

Turban matching headpieces by Bonsai Fojas of Bonne
Cake, cookies & "hippie" brownies by Carol de Leon of Felicity Pattiserie
Catering by Pumpkin Catering
Ice Cream Bar by Bindi Sweetsnbits

Updated November 23, 2013

Being a full-time mom is one tough act. But it doesn't mean we can't have fun. In fact, when things get a li'l bit too mundane, I breathe in and out and think of fun and creative things to do with my family. Yes, I am exhausted BUT I can still do things like this. No excuses when you really aim to finish a project.

So one day, my schoolmate from UP (University of the Philippines) offered to do our family portrait. Then I came up with  a mood board that was all about playing dress-up and carton houses (bahay-bahayan). I DIY-ed the boxes when Mindi was busy playing with her dad. Thank you, Pinterest!

Now, we could have easily opted for the matchy-matchy family shoot but what are rebellious mamas for, right? Don't be afraid to experiment with your family portraits! And best of all, have a lot of silly fun :)

Thank you so much to Ryan Medina for being game and for the wonderful photos! Do check out his page here:

Updated July 1, 2013

Rebellious Bride Ji is now an expecting Rebellious Mama! She listens and takes every advice with a grain of salt. But she has been rebelliously creating her own rules while being preggers---fearlessly being "kaladkarin" even on her last term, hoarding her babyganics (organic baby stuff), and already prepping to use cloth diapers for baby. Even her fashion sense during her expecting phase has been chic and a breath of fresh air! All the best and safe delivery Ji! :)
Photography L-R: by Topica-Mayuga / Istin Baris
It's the final week and we're all soooo excited! We thank the Lord for this miracle and for all our family and friends who took care of us during this wonderful 9-month journey. Thank you to those guilty of satisfying my cravings, driving me around, carrying my belongings, giving me good vibes, showering baby with gifts, and even to those laughing at my manas feet and protruding belly-button! We love you all! -- Ji

Updated: May 8, 2013

One of our most favorite, smartest, cutest kiddos in town. 
Maya :)

Updated: Mar 1, 2013

It has been almost 3 months since I gave birth in what I could describe as a wild parenthood ride. With all the changes, it's so easy to succumb to stress, or worse, the baby blues. But simply look at your child's angelic face (specially when they're sleeping!) and you'll know the dark under eyes are so worth it.

Naturally, I wanted that cute face photographed all the time. As luck would have it, my husband's aunt,Mae,  came for a visit. She happens to be the photographer behind the US-based Mia Dolce photography. 
She sweetly offered to do Mindi's baby portrait :)

It was mostly an impromptu shoot. Usually, baby portraits are done around their second week where they're mostly asleep and cry less. Ergo, less stress.
Of course, Mindi did not feel like sleeping on the shoot day. So aunt Mae had to hurriedly make do with her moments of silence.

Then aunt Mae asked if we wanted a family portrait. Marc & I weren't prepared but we weren't about to pass up a photo opportunity! Unfortunately, Mindi had enough and started crying. Instead of getting stressed, we just cried. Hey, if you can't beat 'em...join 'em!

Updated: Feb. 5, 2013 

Always a trooper and with a little sense of humour, Rebellious Mama Mica never fails to keep it fun despite sleepless nights and round-a-clock love for Mindi.

Well hello there, little butterfly! :)

Updated: Jan. 15, 2013 

Veer away from the usual maternity photo shoots. RB Mica's concept was a "Raggedy Preggy Doll" --how imaginative! 

Photos by Carlo & Hydy Cecilio / Makeup by The Makeup of Mica / On Location: Cravings, Il Terrazo

Updated: Jan. 5, 2013 

Rebellious Wedding? Rebellious Baby Shower! Baby Mindi's shower was rainbow themed!

BABY NAMES? Make it interactive! Since "Mindi" is baby Fu's nickname, RB Mica had guests vote for baby's full name! (Mindi's dad still won this game though...haha) 

(Dec. 30, 2012)
Credits: Lambert Pangilinan

Baby Mindi

"Apparently, not only brides get bullied. Even pregnant women and mamas. When I was pregnant, a lot of people around me told me to do this and not do that, most are even conflicting. Some superstitious ones even have so much nonsense (like not standing by a doorway because it's bad luck for labor) that it just makes me shake my head in disbelief.

Now that my child is born, the unsolicited advises do not stop. I guess, it's part of it all. So I just listen and filter. In the end, you should be the one to decide on how you want to rear your child. I am fairly new at this journey and it can be exciting and stressful all at the same time. But what I do know is that I will love this child with all my might and help make her grow with a kind-heart and an amazingly positive outlook in life."

 -- RB Mica

At the Bora Hop Wedding - True Food (Feb. 15, 2011)
"I am a rebellious mama because I am a madrasta and have been co-parenting for more than 4 years (Ate Shawie isdatchu?).

 Didn't see that one coming didn't ya? 

People pressure me into having my own baby. I honestly think it's just a tad bit offensive. As if Taylor isn't enough and that people secretly think she's not my daughter so I should have my own. But maybe it's because our society in general,  fail to realize that having a 'modern family' is tough and that a little bit of awareness must be done. 

My husband having constant communication with his ex, shared custody, child support, emotional stability of the child? And me battling with my own thoughts & emotions? And my husband also having his own frustrations and longing? I'd like to see you try. And right now, I prefer to make our relationships and emotions stronger before we can even begin to consider making babies. This is a 'situation' I never imagined I'd have but it is a path that the Universe gave to me and I have taken it on willingly. 

People might think that our 6-year old Taylor is not my daughter because my husband had him when he was single. But I beg to disagree. I've been in Taylor's life even before she turned two. Just because she didn't come from my own womb doesn't make it any less like parenting. I'm not her mom but I'm her 'Mimi'. And that must count for something."  -- RB Kai

Do you have tips for rebellious mamas? Or perhaps you are in a 'modern family' too and would like to share your thoughts?  Email us at