'Not Just Another Wedding' Planning Ideas!

 Photography by the Rebellious Brides Team

If you’re planning a wedding, the last thing you want to do is make it undecipherable from every other wedding your guests have been to in the past. The fact is, weddings can be very samey unless you make an effort to have your stand out. Below, you’ll find some planning ideas that will make your big day ‘not just another wedding’!

Make Your Wedding Transportation Turn Heads How you start the day is going to really set the tone, so make sure your wedding transportation turns heads. You could show up in hot air balloons if you fancy being super extravagant, or you could step off canal boats if your wedding is near a body of water. Get creative and get people talking!

Give Thoughtful Wedding Gifts
Give thoughtful wedding gifts to your guests - gifts they will actually use. Forget those sugared almonds. Pashminas will help to keep them warm if you’re having a wedding during the cooler months, and flip flops could be the perfect gift for ladies who want to take off their shoes towards the end of the night. Hangover helpers are always welcome, too, so you could put a pack together filled with things like vitamins and paracetamol!

Have A Memorable Guest Book
Get creative with your guest book and have people write on the back of a jigsaw piece - or do something else that seems fun to you. You don’t just have to have a plain old book if that’s not your style. Plus, you could display whatever you choose in your home afterwards.


Hire A Video Booth
Lots of weddings have photo booths - this isn't exactly an original idea. However, you could put a twist on this by going for a confessional video booth. Get guests to record a message for you and then put the best ones into your wedding video. You can put the rest on your wedding website afterwards and encourage guests to check them out! This is bound to male them smile long after the wedding is over.

Choose Your Photographer Carefully
The photographer is the person who is going to capture your wedding day in their own unique way - so it should be a style you’re not going to tire of looking at. The pictures are the longest lasting wedding momento, so choose carefully! Check out unique photographers, such as Bryce Noone Wedding Photography to get a feel for the sort of pictures you want. Remember that each photographer has a different style.

Surprise Everyone With A Choreographed Dance
Surprise everyone with a choreographed dance - you could even consider hiring dancing waiters and waitresses to add to the shock factor! All you have to do is keep it to yourself to make sure everybody is sufficiently surprised. Have A Caricaturist At Your Party Something people will love is a hired caricaturist to sketch them out live. You could even go for somebody who specialises in silhouettes. Either way, this will be a unique keepsake that will keep people entertained! Loved any of these ideas? Pin it and follow our new Pinterest account:HERE

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