The Rebellious Yacht Party

TIP: See the bottom part of this blog post to see our awesome anniversary deals :)

Just a few weeks ago, we decided to celebrate our "Three Years & Eleven Months Anniversary" with a bang. The last time we threw a party was ages ago.  We felt that throwing one at this very moment was just so symbolically perfect as we had so many new things to share with our guests. Particularly, we announced the launch of our Rebelle Youtube Channel and the official joining of our third Rebellious Bride, RB Niña Cuenca who will be taking a more active role for Business Development.

Choosing to do a yacht party was almost a "no-brainer." Parties are aplenty these days and we wanted to give our guests a rebellious experience that they would never forget. At times we debated on whether we should have a program or not, but we decided that mingling intimately with our beloved industry friends was all we needed to make the festivities memorable. Another debate that we had was on styling - but eventually we felt that spoiling our guests with overflowing good food and an open bar would probably be more relevant. In the end, we'd like to think that our choices were much appreciated and that everybody had a great time as evidenced by these photos you are about to see.

Planning this party almost felt like planning a wedding - what with the mood boards, styling, cake, catering, invitations, among many other things (we even had preps at Henry Hotel!). We have so many ideas that we can share with you and so we are coming out with a separate article entitled "How To Plan a Rebelliously Fabulous Wedding for Under P300,000" specifically based on how we mounted this yacht party - watch out for that!

In the meantime, enjoy these photos perfectly captured by 12 Masters Photography.
Marvin Dungao, you ROCK!


Concept and Direction by The Wedding Agency by The Rebellious Brides
Catering by Q Provisions (IG: @qprovisions / FB: Q Provisions)
Invitation & Menu Artwork by Wallflower & Paper (IG: @wallflowerandpaper)
Cake & Macarons by Sugarplum Pastries (IG: @sugarplumpastries)
Flowers by Jacqs Florals (IG: @jacqsfloral)
Rebellious Brides' Kai, Mica, and Niña's Skirts by Designer Ryan Madamba (IG: @byryanmadamba)
Rebellious Brides' Kai, Mica, and Niña's Jewelry by Cuenca Jewelry (IG: @cuencajewelry)
Makeup by The Makeup of Mica (IG: @themakeupofmica)
Giveaways by Pluma PH (IG: @pluma_ph)
Photography by 12 Masters Photography (IG: @12mastersphotography)

Also Coming Soon:
More Photos from Studio XOXO by Carlo & Hyds Cecilio
Videogprahy by Colors & Co. / Samric Mante

With Special Thanks to Oh Happy Day! and Manila Luxury Club

Promo Alert!
It's been a tradition for us to provide awesome discounts during our anniversary month. Here are some good deals just for you! :)

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