The first time RB Mica and I saw Dingdong and Marian's teaser prenup photo, we were giddy and totally impressed. We thought it was awesome, we thought it was absolutely unexpected and for that we commend them for being REBELLIOUS.
The thing is, after we saw the teaser, the whole social media population saw it too--and the bashing, the annoying comments poured in. I can't even believe that even the Primetime Queen & King can also be victims of "Bride Bullying." I've seen the most hateful comments--how they were pitted against Heart & Chiz' classic prenup, how they were criticised for looking like "Santa Cruzan," how they look so excessive and tiresome. ENOUGH. What kind of a culture are we in??? That we can bring people down during the best times of their lives? Here's two people basking in their wedding preps, cherishing every moment of their engagement and this society we are in pulls them down with these unnecessary comments.
First of all, why even pit their prenup against Heart & Chiz? Second of all, WHO EFFIN' CARES IF IT'S NOT THE "CLASSIC" TYPE? They are obviously going for a different take, a more creative concept, a daring and fun one, they are experimenting and it's actually a breath of fresh air. Well, we love it. We think it's versatile, bold, vibrant, and colourful. Unlike other prenups, it's not a template. Marian & Dingdong's prenup is unique and they can proudly say that it's their own. And there's so much beauty in that.
CREDITS: Photography by NicePrint