Wedding Idea: The Vegas Vibe / Solaire Wedding

Photography by Metrophoto Unless Labeled Otherwise

Ahhhh Vegas. Haven't you wished or just wondered how it would feel like to actually be in Vegas for your wedding? Whether it's for the bridal shower, the bachelor's night out, or even the wedding itself, a Vegas wedding has been personally on my own bucket list--and that's why we did it for our third wedding. And there's nothing quite like being a Vegas Bride (back track on Round Three Vegas Wedding HERE) We did it all--from applying for our permits, to booking an Elvis wedding, to partying with my husband's friends morning, afternoon, and night, getting a Penthouse, waking up with the most hideous hangover not fully remembering what happened the day before. We had an amazing time, and it will forever be one for the books. 

But what if you can't actually go to Vegas? After all, it's not about the place per se--it's the thrilling, crazy fun moments that stick with you. 

Enter Solaire.
I'm surprised that there haven't been enough rebellious weddings created in this fantastic place. I was in Soliare recently for a dinner date and in just the 3 hours I spent there, my rebellious brain was already creating so many wedding ideas. And not just weddings per se. I just recently learned that Solaire is all about "Creating Your Moments" and this holds true if you want to have the same electrifying, glamorous vibe that Vegas can offer for any moment of the wedding preps. 

Moment #1 - First of all, The Finestra would be the perfect place to propose. This place is uber romantic and beautiful! 

Photos taken from my iPhone 5c

Moment #2 - The Strip Steakhouse is perfect for a boy's night out, cap it off with a night playing at the casino and drinking at the Dragon Bar. 

Moment #3 - Solaire's Suite and Spa would be perfect for a relaxing bridal shower of course!
I don't have photos of the hotel and the spa but look at the romantic, feminine, chic details from Solaire that will definitely put you in the mood! 

Moment #4 - Having family get-togethers or maybe the engagement party in any of the other restaurants that are so drop dead gorgeous!

Moment #5 - The grand ballroom would be perfect for a spectacular wedding of Moulin Rouge-Great Gatsby proportions. What's not to love about having a wedding at Solaire when you have all these grand details worthy of a Vegas Vibe--heck, these are even more gorg than Vegas!

Here are some pegs that you can re-create for a Vegas Vibe type of wedding at Solaire:

L-R: A Vidal Clayton of the Cecilio Abad Design Team would be perfect for a Solaire type of wedding---Opulent, elegant, and detailed! (Photo by Blacktie Project) / Opt for a Color Palette with different hues of pink, gold, and black (Palette from the Darling Blog) / And dress up your girls with the most fashionable black gowns (Gown by Alexander McQueen)

 L-R: Style the boys a'la Ocean's Eleven and go all out with your reception at Solaire's Grand Ballroom with a Gatsby-inspired party (Photos from Green Wedding Shoes)

And who would I recommend to photograph your would-be Solaire wedding? Why Metrophoto of course! Solaire is all about the amazing architecture and nobody else can play around with love and architecture like Oly. Speaking of Metrophoto, they recently had a prenup in Solaire. Here's proof of why Oly's perfect for the job.

This is just a teaser of what our Wedding Agency can conceptualize for your dream wedding. Email us at for inquiries. 

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