Wedding Agency: The "Powered by AC" Prenup

Photography by Metrophoto

My, my,  I am oh so blown away with this prenup set from Metrophoto! 

Why you might ask? Photographers are aplenty....but photographers who are also ARTISTS are but a handful. And Oly nailed this concept. We know because we were part of Chel & Allan's wedding conceptualization process.

When the couple approached us, they were dead set on having a Telco-themed wedding because they met at Globe. But actualizing their dream concept was a challenge because it was hard to think beyond the usual cell site towers. Some of the the design elements we proposed included fiber optic layout designs, using the color blue (in reference to globe), ribbons in reference again to globe, and focusing on "ties that bind" and how telcos inevitably is about human connections. We then came up with the wedding theme title "Powered by AC."

It's amazing how this prenup captures that very concept. How Oly started with the "obvious" then played with the concept visually in ways that you wouldn't think of is beyond unbelievable because it shows how willing and able he is to embrace a couple's theme and take it to the next level. For instance, who would have thought that a dancing fountain shoot can actually appear like fiber optics?!?! And that's not even half of what makes this set amazing. What is even amazing to me is the fact that Chel and Allan decided to switch photographers and eventually got Oly. Just goes to show that some unexpected twists during wedding preps are sometimes, oh so worth it. 

Interested in having a personalized wedding of your dreams? Email us at to know more about our Wedding Agency Services. 

Photography by: Metrophoto
Styling by: TippingPoint Collective

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