Bride Ideas - International Edition

Photo from Foot Traffic
Here in Rebellious Brides, we recognize that we have readers from outside of the Philippines (and we are truly, absolutely THANKFUL for that). And with that being said, we felt that we had to create a version of our Bride Ideas that are especially more appropriate for Rebellious Brides around the globe. Here goes!

Stella & Dot - Gorgeous jewelry that can definitely create a rebellious statement! Stella & Dot is only available in the US. Visit: to shop :)

Bridal Tights - Oh how I ADORE this idea! Unfortunately, I think it's way too hot in the Philippines to do this. But if it's nippy in your neck of the woods, go for it! :)

Photo by Ben Blood

Photo from Foot Traffic

Etsy Finds - I just LOVE Etsy. But I just think most Pinoys are afraid to buy things online. If you are not, then here are some of my favorite Bride Ideas from Etsy!

Customized entourage flower bags instead of bouquets!
Custom Illustrated Wedding Invites by eDanae
Custom Infinity Rings by TeriLee Jewelry

Hey International Rebellious Bride! Got more ideas to share w/ us? Email away at :)

Follow us on Twitter! @RebelliousBride