Rebellious Bride Ida's Wedding Style

Photography by Cherryblocks
We really admire brides who exude a distinct yet effortless wedding taste and style. But more so when the bride and the groom rightfully teams up with photographers who also exude that same groove. All the wedding ideas in the world, cannot really shine through if you don't have a great team backing you up. So props to Rebellious Bunch - Cherryblocks for really capturing Rebellious Bride Ida's unique wedding details. From the effortlessly chic entourage ensembles, to the beautiful single-stemmed flowers, to the equally stylish guests of all ages, down to the littlest doodles and prints, RB Ida definitely has the eye for the rebelliously pretty.

Congratulations to Ida & Chino!

To view the complete set, CLICK HERE

Roll Credits:
Couturier - Jot Losa
Entourage Accessories - Maryka Chua of Laia Manila

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