Get Your Freak On

Mica and I are seeing some kind of a rebellious pattern this week that is just in a whole other extreme level. And here we thought Maggie Wilson & Victor Consunji's prenup video was already oh-so-steamy for the general public.

We celebrate and salute the couples, and the wicked teams that were tapped to tastefully create these irreverent visions. 

Mayone + Francis' Sex-Themed Wedding 
Video by Jason Magbanua (together w/ John Marvi de Guzman, Ian Cruz, Dennis Castillo, & Madge Lejano) 
*Whip bouquet by Teddy Manuel

M+F Nude Engagement by Mangored 
w/ RabbitHole Creatives

More on these weddings/prenups hopefully soon! 

What say you rebellious brides? 


Follow us on Twitter! @RebelliousBride