Gown by Hindy Weber Tantoco |
Hello from Boracay! The wedding is 4 hours from now but I couldn't help squeezing in a blog update to share with your all the bride's super duper unique Hindy Weber Tantoco gown. The bride and the designer wanted a colored gown in which the effect would be, you wouldn't really know exactly what the color of the fabrics are. So....can anybody guess? What exactly is/are the color/s of this wonderful rebellious ant-white gown? Prize of which will be, well...just to have the bragging rights of having a keen sense for detail haha.
As an added bonus, a photo from the couple's prenup session w/ Mark Cantalejo:
Shot in La Union / Photo by Mark Cantalejo |
Bye for now!
*follow us on Twitter! @RebelliousBride
yellow ba hehe..blue?:)