Rebellious Bride Winsess in BLACK

Photos by the Blacktie Project
Boy do we have a once-in-a-blue-moon treat for you guys! When Rebellious Bride Winsess shared with us the story of her black bridal gown, we responded in a heart beat! We love everything about this bride and her gown! Here is Winsess' own account of her rebellious ways:

I love everything about your nontraditional wedding! Boracay was our first choice for a wedding venue but we ended up in Manila Ocean Park. I love your brooch bouquet, so cool! By the way, please let me introduce myself, Winsess Larah dela Cruz-Yu here. I work in a construction management team while my husband Benjamin Yu manages his own architectural firm & construction. We both love futuristic structures.

Ben is bolder than me, he loves metal rock music, he was born year of a metal rat so black is his lucky color. I love to wear black since it makes me look slimmer. When we were preparing for our wedding, my hubby told me that if I want to wear black it's fine with him since he knew that I'm opted to wear black than any other color. I feel at home wearing black, no doubt about this. Ben's words gave me so much strength to pull off a black wedding gown, he even prepared me for the criticisms I might get during our wedding.

When I met my gown designer, Joe San Antonio, I asked her to draw a mermaid gown in black color. She was a bit shocked and encouraged me to make it a two-toned gown - gray & black. But still my decision to wear an all-black gown prevailed.

Weeks before my wedding, I discussed with my mom and Ben's SIL that I'll be wearing a black gown. His family was so excited and loved the idea while my mom was so worried that she did not sleep for 3 days thinking how she can relay it to my Dad. When my Dad heard the news, he got upset, he couldn't imagine how I made such a decision (he's really conservative.) My mom even called my attention that it will be quite scandalous and Ben's family & friends might raise their eyebrows while I'm walking down the aisle---Too late the wedding gown was 90% finished! --- RB: you go, girl! 

The Wedding Day - when my Dad saw the gown, he simply said "Maganda pala, ok naman pala!" So I felt relieved. Lots of our guests questioned me and my husband why I wore such. 

My hubby simply told them, this is us, we belong to a modern world!

And to the future brides who are having second thoughts about having black wedding dresses, I want to share a simple message - A black wedding dress isn't new fashion to us. In our belief, black is not the color of mourning and modern weddings don't have to comply to tradition. Wear whatever you want, and wear it with pride.

I am truly and genuinely inspired by Winsess' bridal black gown story. I particularly loved the fact that her equally rebellious groom encouraged, supported, and handled the pressure for her and that Winsess handled the situation in a very clever way.  

What people fail to realize is that it is soooo difficult to stand by your rebellious wedding decisions. The looks people give you, the questions in their eyes, the unsolicited comments and advice, the constant defense and explanations you have to make for yourself, the judgments of people who either think you are a diva or ridiculous or that you have no respect for tradition are so hurtful and plain mean. But each person is unique, rebellious brides are made of a different DNA, and people should learn to respect that and back off. I digress.....

Winsess and Ben had an equally rebellious wedding which included things like a brooch bouquet, not having the usual entourage roles, and heart-stopping styling.  We'll feature that as well soon. In the meantime, we hope that this awesome post inspires you to accept your individuality and uniqueness  :)

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