Rebellious Proposals - More Fun in the Philippines

While I was "hanging out" at Bridetastic's virtual Cafe, I read Bridetastic Bride rachelcrz' question: "It seems that engagement/wedding proposal planning is a trend in the US. I wonder how much effort Pinoy men really put into the proposal planning."

-- I immediately felt the need to boast of our Pinoy men (naks)!  I think  Pinoy men are very rebelliously creative when it comes to their proposals! So naturally, I answered rachelcrz' question with links to some of the awesome proposals that I am quite familiar with. Here are just some of those proposals! 

Marc Fuentes' 
Kundirana-with-acting-on-the-side Proposal

Putting his acting, singing, and "hot-headedness" to good use (hehe), Marc proposed to Rebellious Bride Mica while pretending to having a fight with some guys who were supposedly laughing at him. The guys had a guitar and Marc grabbed it from them and started singing. The funny thing is, Mica was upset that Marc was picking a fight and thought he'd gone mental so she walked out! Hahah! Watch the entire video on how this plot "thickens" :) 

Rebellious Bride Mica says: "Marc is an innately good person. I believe in him so much. I accept him wholly. I wrote this to thank the Universe for giving us a nudge towards each other. I wrote this to tell people about crazy love, about cheesiness, about moments that blow your mind. I wrote this because I am thankful. I feel very loved and blessed in so many ways." To read more about Marc's proposal, click HERE

Alain Bueno's Live Radio Proposal 

All Photos taken by John Bueno of

April 28, 2011 - the staff of Magic 89.9 was briefed that a proposal was going to take place live, on-air, during DJ's CJ and Suzi's The Big Meal show. The radio station was just as excited, nervous, and anxious as the soon-to-be engaged lover boy because it was actually the first-ever proposal the station will ever have in history. 

Read on! 

Alain's wife, Joyce, had actually dreamed of a simple, dinner, for a proposal. So to Alain, a dinner proposal was naturally out of the question. He wanted something different, he wanted everything to be special.

That's how Alain thought of proposing live, on-air, at the Magic 89.9 DJ booth. The initial plan was to tell Joyce that he had a meeting at the station, and Alain had conspired with the DJs to have a specific segment/time for him to be called inside the booth. Alain had prepared a speech for the occasion. But plans were slightly changed when the couple actually had a fight. Trying to convince Joyce to go to the station took longer than expected, so when the couple finally arrived in the station, a different segment was already going on, and Alain was caught off-guard when he was called to enter the booth to participate in the discussion.

As Alain gave the DJs a weird look while trying to answer the questions thrown at him, Joyce was also called inside the booth to join in the discussion as well. Alain was asked if there was anything else he wanted to say. Still clueless, Alain greeted his mom---hahahah! The DJs still egged him on, then that's when Alain realized that this was his "moment". Having expected a different scenario, Alain forgot his speech and fumbled. But he did it. Joyce started crying and couldn't answer. Alain--now panicked---pleaded for Joyce to say anything at this point. Then Joyce, in between tears of joy, finally found the words to say yes. History has been made, indeed.

Ryan Cruz' Movie House Proposal

Ryan writes: "It took me about 3 months to plan everything. Kitin (Kristine Flores) knew that my family will be out of town on that day so she had nothing planned yet on the weekend. About 3 days before the event, Kat, one of her kabarkadas from the States texted her saying that she has to talk to her and Ria (her best friend in the Phils) about a drastic decision that she was about to make. I told Ria to tell Kitin that her only available day was on Nov 5 because of her very hectic week. Since Ria works for Sun Cellular, they will be having a block screening for a client on that day and they can just stay for the movie and call Kat after. 

As they entered the cinema, all the lights were out and the trailers were already starting. My video was projected after the trailers revealing that I was about to propose to her. When the lights were turned on, she realized that the whole cinema has been blocked to house all her family and friends and that I was not out of town after all. That was when I asked her to be my wife. :)'

To read more about Ryan's Proposal and to read the English transcript, click HERE

Mikki Cuenca's Lens Proposal

Photo by Pat Dy
Photo by Pat Dy

Niña Cuenca writes: "It was the first sunrise of 2009 when Mikki asked me to marry him. It was our 10th year together and taking it to the next level meant a more symbolic proposal for him. He did it on a cliff in Tagaytay overlooking the lake, which had a dreamy hue as the first traces of light emerged. The summit meant that we were at a high point in our relationship, and the break of dawn signified a new beginning for us. How he proposed was simple yet profound. As I peered thru his camera, I found the words ‘Will you marry me?' inscribed on his most prized lens, an unforgettable act of sweetness and self surrender," Niña shares.

Coach Rio's Jeepney / Tadhana (Fate) Proposal 

For those who need a translation, Coach Rio and his fiancee Nicole explains in the video how they met in the University of the Philippines so that's where Coach Rio decided to propose. Their first encounter was during a marathon, the second during a Jeepney ride so Coach integrated the Jeepney and the Oblation during his proposal. To make it even more unforgettable, he commissioned no other than Up Dharma Down to sing their famous song, Tadhana. 

Cyrus Cruz' Magazine and Earrings Proposal 

Last but not the least, I'd like to share how my husband asked me to be his girlfriend and to be his wife because they are both equally super creative and rebellious :)

The Magazine Proposal - It was April 10, 2008 when Cy and I were both attending a charity ball in Manila Hotel. He said he was going to be late. So while I waited for him, a waiter carrying a bouquet of roses and a magazine approached me and asked if I was Ms. Kai. When I said yes, he handed me the bouquet and the magazine. My heart was already beating so fast and I completely ignored the magazine, thinking it was one of those event freebies. Then I suddenly did a double-take when I realized that I was the cover of the magazine. When Cy finally arrived, I asked if there was anything in particular that I had to read from the magazine. He said to read the cover. That's when it dawned on me that the customized magazine had headlines that were all about me. Below the cover was a quote that said "Question I'd Like to Ask Kai: Turn to Page 21, 35, 71, 85, and 95". Then this is what I discovered: 

Below is my handwritten answer which I handed to Cy after a few minutes of suspense ;)

The Earrings Proposal - It was April 10, 2010 when Cy and I celebrated our two-year anniversary. We were actually already secretly planning our wedding and it was just a matter of formalizing it through a proposal. I wasn't expecting a proposal though, because I had specifically told him that I didn't want a ring (click HERE for related article). Little did I know that he was going to be "rebellious" in his own way by proposing with engagement EARRINGS instead. He said that everyone else has an engagement I deserved something more unique and special. 

L-R: Photo of my engagement earrings by Mango Red
Photo on the right taken on April 10, 2010

So are Pinoy Men getting more and more creative with their proposals? Hell yeah! In fact, we even put in our Fearless 2012 Forecast that it will even become more apparent this year (Click HERE for related article). Do you know of other rebellious proposals? Share it with us at: and we'd love to make a Part 2 of this post! :)

follow us on twitter! @RebelliousBride

PS -- Are you a guy and planning to propose soon? Email us and we'll help you get a ring and coach you on how you can creatively propose! YES we are serious! ( about accidentally finding a way for your guys to read this? hehe)