Random Rebellion #13

In our blog post: Bouquet Alternatives, one of the alternatives that we adored and we wrote about is the cotton bouquet. And Oh, Happy Day! Vatel shares on Facebook: So happy to announce that we are now able to import cotton still intact in their pods! Ah, the possibilities! ^_...

We Want Passion Cooks!!!

Jeff and Ycoy by Passion Cooks Wow. And I mean, WOW. In extra large font WOW. Looking at Passion Cooks' most unique works have made us realize just how spot on their name is. In truth, they are just in a different league of their own. You guys know how critical we are when it comes to including wedding...

Kate Spade Mood Board #7

www.katespade.com We'd love to see the day when bridal gowns suddenly explode with patterns. Last year, Kate Spade revealed their delicious colors via a monthly reveal which we featured here as Kate Spade Mood Boards. For 2012, Kate Spade will be saying good-bye to solid colors to give way to monthly...

The Ugly Truth

language.cont3xt.net Warning folks. This blog will...in the rarest of occasions, going to turn negative and downright ugly.  Here in Rebellious Brides, even if we pride ourselves for saying what we want to say, for challenging old-school beliefs, and for replacing traditions with our own,...

Bridetastic Powers!

Hello there, rebellious bride! Yes, you.  You have just been empowered! http://safeintheshadow.blogspot.com All it takes is one click and three words: Review A Vendor.  As a vendor myself (The Makeup of Mica), I'd love to get 5 stars all the time. And for me to be able to achieve that, I...

Rebellious Couple - Arnold & Jo-Anne's 80s Kids Wed (Part 2)

Read Part One of this 2-Part Feature HERE :) ----------------- Photos by Randolf Evan A few days ago, we shared with you an awesome 80s wedding which we proudly featured as one of the dear couples who really found a lot of ideas and comfort in reading our blog.  As promised, we didn't want to...

Random Rebellion #12

It's our first Random Rebellion for 2012 and the future of rebellious-wedding-kind looks super bright. Check out these tweet tips we've received from "D Unbeatable Events Diva" Teena Barretto! Photo from Mimi and Karl Don't they look like they popped out form one of our Kate Spade Mood Board inspirations...

WE Heart Weddings Features The Rebellious Brides!

Please show us some love by reading the awesome feature that we got from WE Magazine's online blog, WE Heart Weddings! We definitely heart this feature! Much love and thanks to Poptastic Bride Cynthia for the write-up! :) We are truly honored by the support we've been getting from brides, wedding visionaries,...

The Pedicab Entrance

Special thanks to Rebellious Bride Tin for sharing this with us! :) -------------------- Creative Wedding Ideas ---More Fun in The Philippines. I am completely blown away by the rebelliousness and irreverence of this video that you are about to see. Special thanks to Stephen Wedding Film for taking the time to answer our follow-up questions that we asked about the concept video that they made...

Countdown to Round 3

It's exactly a month before our Honeymoon/First-Year Anniversary/Vegas Wedding trip and I'm having mixed emotions about it...but overall I'm excited. For those of you who are new to the blog, hello I am Rebellious Bride Kai and I am getting married again, third time to do it, and I've only even been...

Rebellious Bride Nikki's Triangle Bouquet

Photos by Mango Red A couple of months ago, we created a teaser out of Nikki & Jason Buensalido's 11-11-11 wedding. Now, we are excited to share with you, what seems to be one of the most rebelliously innovative bouquets we have seen to-date. Read on to see what Nikki has to say about her...

Rebellious Weddings of 2011

The so-called "Best Weddings of 2011" is just a disguise for "Best CELEBRITY Weddings and Best Weddings w/ High-Profiled Surnames of 2011".  It's like high school all-over again. Sorry. You're just not popular enough to be the Prom King and Queen. And Sorry--you're just not royalty or a Kardashian...

Rebellious Proposals - More Fun in the Philippines

While I was "hanging out" at Bridetastic's virtual Cafe, I read Bridetastic Bride rachelcrz' question: "It seems that engagement/wedding proposal planning is a trend in the US. I wonder how much effort Pinoy men really put into the proposal planning." -- I immediately felt the need to boast of...

WE are rebels!

There's a revolution going on and we're glad that slowly, the wedding industry is accepting the change. The change to more creative, personalized and rebellious weddings. One such publication is Wedding Essentials. Although they keep to their classy tonality, I love how they embraced being rebellious...

The Rebellious Brides Series

The Rebellious Brides Series: Featuring Dr. Mabeth Rivera Photo by Mark Cantalejo In other countries, Boudoir sessions are popular for brides. What it is, is a more sensual and provocative shoot for the bride, which she gives to her groom before the wedding or you know, just to simply keep to remember...

Pinoy Pride Prenup

As much as there are so-called negatrons & negastars on the recent Dept. of Tourism launch, there are still more of us who are very proud of who we are and support the cause for our country's own good. So 'wag nang um-attitude, iwagayway ang watawat ng Pinoy Pride.  On that note, let me proudly...