"For me rebellious brides are those who have the desire to create a unique wedding experience not only for themselves as a couple but for their families and friends as well. It's always going for what could be done differently but still reflects who they are for the wedding and it can go from mild to wild. :)

They are a unique breed of brides that lean towards the creatives and the unconventional yet remain romantic. They are hands-on and involved. They seem to be catching fire and am loving the fact that we have been getting a lot of brides with ideas that are just refreshingly creative. And our team joyfully helps them make it happen.
I will not be surprised in the near future when those we call rebellious; will be the new normal.. :)

-Jay Jay Lucas of Chestknots Studios
RB is super thankful for more and more talented wedding photographers like Chestknots Studios that espouse rebelliousness and believe in our goals of unleashing creative irreverence in every bride. More power to wedding partners like you!
Yours in beauty & love,
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